Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/475

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THE MAIN FIGHT. 431 'your men here; get them together,' and then chap. — pointing whilst he spoke to the westernmost of ^^- the Russian batteries disposed on Shell Hill — a (^th Period battery which was firing on the position where to'ictor Acton's men stood — Lord West ordered Lieu- tenant Acton to go and join two companies which he said would be found on a spot that he indi- cated, a spot lying some distance off, and added : ' Order them to join you and advance against the ' battery.' Lord AVest went on to intimate that Acton's object must be to take the battery or drive it off'. Lieutenant Acton having formed up his men Thecombai marched off in the direction assigned, and found hyActoi^" the two companies indicated by Lord West on a spot at the edge of some brushwood, from which the ground sloped up towards the battery over a distance of about 800 yards. The battery was at this time throwing round-shot, which passed over the heads of our soldier3^ Acton drew up his men in a space which he found between the two indicated companies, so that these, with the one thus joining them, formed all three together one line, and were facing the batteiy which Lord West had marked out for attack. Acton then called to his side an officer from each of the two companies which formed respec- tively the right and the left of the line, and told them wliat Lord West's orders were, saying, ' If ' you will attack the battery on either flank, I'll ' do so in front;' and he recommended that the ad-