Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/546

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502 AJ'PKNDIX. NOTE V. 'I HE ArRANQUMBNTS UNDER WHICH THE PlCKET« OF TUK Second Division were furnished at the Inkerman Time. Op the pickets on duty during the eve and imtil the early morning of the battle, one half were furnished by the 95th Eegiment, and for the other half, each of Adams's three regiments contributed. The new pickets which took up the ground on the morning of the battle were, half of them, given by the 55th Regiment, and the other half (as on the 4:th of November) by Adams's three regiments. The pickets of the First Brigade were on the right, and those of the Second Brigade (with the exception of the ' hay picket'), on the left. The ' field-officer of the day,' commanding the pickets of each brigade, received his charge from the divisional authorities, and accordingly it was as likely as not that the officer commanding the pickets of, say, the First Brigade might be one belonging to a regi- ment of the Second Brigade. Thus on the eve of Inker- man the pickets of the First Brigade were commanded by Major Thornton Grant of the 49th, and, on the day of Tnkonuan, by Colonel Carpenter of the 41st. NOTE VI. Orders op the Day and other Papers issued by Russian Generals on the Eve of Inkerman. Prince Mbntsohikoff's Order of the Day, issued in the afternoon of the 4th November 1854 and received at Dan- neuberg's headquarters at 5 r.M. : —