Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/67

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DISPOSITION OF FORCKS. 23 ing means to invest it they made the anomaly chap. possible. ! With a view to the approaching engagement, Prince Mentschikoff's headquarters were estab- lished near the ruins of Inkerman. 11. The Eussians took the iM-ecaution of leavino- Thcnume- ■" rical between three and four thousand men to watcii strength of the coiiti-nd the road to Daktchi Serai,* and they kept a ing armies, small force on the Severnaya or North Side ; whilst the Allies, on the other hand, employed a number of troops in guarding their ports of sup- ply ; but these detached bodies, whether liussian, or English, or French, were not so sundered from the main armies by either distance or purpose that they might not by possibility take part in the day's strife ; and speaking broadly, it may be said that on the appointed day the two host? would be confronting one another with the whole effective strength of the forces then engaged in land service upon the Sebastopol theatre of war. The Anglo-French army of 65,000 men with 11,000 Turkish auxiliaries was to encounter an enemy whose forces numbered 120,000."}" But a comparison of the numbers that could be brought to bear actively upon the issue of the approaching conflict brings to light a yet greater

  • 3862 of infantry, with 36 guns.— Todleben, p. 450.

t As .shown a7Ur, p. 2.