Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/39

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CONTENTS. XXXV Lord I'amiiure, Ch A PTBR. IX. — continried. Lord Panmure's reception of the despatch of 3d March, His despatch in reply, . Errors marking the despatcli, . Eagerness of the Government, including move the Headquarter StalT, The difficulty that stood in their way, General Airey, .... Lord Raglan's 'right-hand man,' . Enquiry entrusted to General Simpson, His instructions, .... His report, ..... His course of action, Lord Panmure's adoption of the report, His letter on the subject to Lord Raglan, The danger thus at length warded off, . to re 301 301 302 303 303 304 305 305 305 306 306 307 307 307 VIL Secession of the four ' Peelite ' Mini.sters, .... 307 Their successors, 308 Effect of the change, 308 vin. The late vote of the Commons, 308 The apprehended dangers of a Committee, .... 308 The House unwilling to rescind its vote, .... 309 The Committee appointed, ....... 309 The import of this measure, ....... 309 The whole structure of our Government system brought under reproach, .......... 310 The feeling not appeased by the reassembly of Parliament, 311 Violence of the language used in the House of Commons, . 312 Mr Roebuck, 313 Other prominent members of the Committee, . . . .316 Rejection of the motion to make the Committee a 'secret ' one, 317 The labours of the Committee, ...... 318 Its report, ........•■ 320 Reports concerning the health of the army and care of the sick and wounded, 322