Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/434

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390 THE WIN'l'Ei; TROUBLES. CHAP, parent approacli to perfection was thoroughly ' real, and already, as some would imagine, must have carried the reward of success to the lieart of the Lady-in-Chief. She herself, however, was one who disdained to look with complacency upon any result of her efforts which imported no real gain of ground, and would hardly, indeed, acknowledge that from November even to Febru- ary, substantial good had been done, when, in Tiic mortal- spite of all the care lavished, and concurrently iiMpitahT with the admiration excited by an almost magic however, improvement in the efficiency of the hospital forced down. , , i n n i i management, stern columns or ngures showed death to be more than ever rife in the wards The Sanitary Comiius- aioners : Brought about, as we saw, by those wholesale, encompassing poisons which were only to be conquered by engineers and labourers undertak- ing what we call ' Public Works,' the mortality in our Bosphorus hospitals maintained its ap- palling height throughout the whole winter, and continued its ravages into the month of March.'"' Science then interposed. Taught at last by observing the impotence of orders framed by a Minister who forgot to count Time in his reckon- ing,t the Government — now newly constituted — took care to avoid his mistake ; and having wisely determined that they would attack the

  • See ante, chapter viii. sec. 4.

t The iustructioiis to the Hospital Coiiiiiussioners stated, int< p. 386,