Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/251

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BETWEEN THE CZAli AND THE SULTAN. 209 the frontier of the Austrian Empire, and attempt chap. to keep troops in Wallachia, if he were liable to . 1_ attack from Transylvania and the Banat. Clearly, then, it rested with Austria to prevent or redress the threatened outrage. Her resolution was never doubtful. Before the end of May Count Buol represented at St Petersburg the danger of the proceedings adopted by Prince Mentschi- koff;* and on the 17th of June he declared that he considered himself as 'entirely united' with England in her policy towards the Turkish Empire, that he regarded ' the maintenance of its inde- ' peudence and integrity as of the most essential ' importance to the best interests of Austria,' and that he would employ all the 'means in his ' power to effect that object.' He promised that lie would take no engagement with Russia not to oppose her ' with arms ; ' and he added that ' should ' he be called upon to carry out an armed inter- ' vention on the frontiers, it would be in support of 1 the authority and independence of the Sultan.' -f- The opinion of Prussia was scarcely less decided, upoa On the 30th of May Lord Bloomfield was able to report that the impression made upon the Govern- ment of Berlin by the last reports from Turkey was 'most unfavourable to the Piussian Govern- ' ment ; ' and Baron Manteuffel declared that Prince Mentschikoff had gone far beyond every- thing that the Prussian Government had been given to expect, and he could hardly believe but

  • ' East, ni Papers,' part i. p. 224. t Ibid. p. 291.