Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/306

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2G4 ORIGIN OF THE "WAR OF 1853 C.I J A P. XIV. The quality of the men imprisoned. Quality of the men who impris- oned them. representatives of the people, including, amongst others of wide renown, Berryer, Odillon Barrot, Barthelemy St Hilaire, Gustave de Beaumont, Benoist d'Azy, * the Due de Broglie, Admiral Cecile, Chambolle, De Corcelles, Dufaure, Duver- gier de Hauranne, De Falloux, General Lauriston, Oscar Lafayette, Lanjuinais, Lasteyrie, the Due de Luines, the Due de Montebello, General Radoult- Lafosse, General Oudinot, De Remusat, and the wise and gifted De Tocqueville. Amongst the men imprisoned there were twelve statesmen who had been Cabinet Ministers, and nine of these had been chosen by the President himself, f These were the sort of men who were within the walls of the prisons. Those who threw them into prison were Prince Louis Bonaparte, Morny, Maupas, and St Arnaud formerly Le Boy, all acting with the advice and consent of Fialin de Persigny, and under the propulsion of Fleury. It is true that the army was aiding ; but it has been seen that Magnan, who commanded it, had taken care to screen himself under the orders of the Minister of War ; and in the event of his being brought to trial he would, no doubt, labour to show that in doing as he did, and in effecting

  • One of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly. Amongst

the Deputies thrown into prison there was also M. Vitet, another of the Vice-Presidents. — Note to Hh Edition, 1863. + The facts mentioned in the above paragraph are not, I believe, controverted in any important point. A full account of what passed will be found in the well-known letter of M. de Tocqueville (now printed in the collection of his letters), and in the 'Recueil' above quoted, pp. 13, 14, 60 ct scq. — Note to i>h Edition, 18G3.