Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/345

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BETWEEN THE CZAR AND THE SULTAN. 303 France. Before the night closed in on the 4th of CHAP. December, lie was sheltered safe from ridicule by '__ the ghastly heaps on the Boulevard. XIV. The fate of the provinces resembled the fate of The fate of the capital. Whilst it was still dark on the morn- vinous. ing of the 2d, Morny, stealing into the Home Office, had entrusted his orders for instant and enthusiastic support to the zeal of every prefect, and had ordered that every mayor, every juge de paix, and every other public functionary who failed to give in his instant and written adhesion to the acts of the President should be dismissed* In France the engine of State is so constructed as to give to the Home Office an almost irresistible power over the provinces, and the means which the Oifice had of coercing France were reinforced by an appeal to men's fears of anarchy, and their dread of the sect called 'Socialists.' Forty thou- sand communes were suddenly told that they must make swift choice between Socialism and anarchy and rapine on the one hand, and on the other a virtuous dictator and lawgiver, recom-

  • ' You will immediately dismiss the juges de paix, the

' mayors, and the other functionaries, whose concurrence may ' not be assured, and appoint other men in their stead. To ' this end, you will call upon all the public functionaries to • give you in writing their adhesion to the great measure which ' the Government lias just adopted.' Moray's Circular to the Prefects. 'Annuaire,' Appendix, p. 67. — Note to 4th Edition, 1863.