Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/36

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XXX 11 CONTENTS. ( Jhapteb XIIT. — continued. Concord of the four Powers 212 Their means of repression, ....... 212 Their joint measures, . . . . . . . .212 Importance of maintaining close concert between the four Powers, 213 CHAPTER XIV. I. State of the French Republic in November 1 Sol, 215 Prince Louis Bomiparte, II. III. 217 His overtures to the gentlemen of France at the time when he was President, ...... Is rebuffed, and falls into other hands, . Motives which pressed him forward, He declares for universal suffrage, . His solemn declarations of loyalty to the Republi Morny, ........ Fleury, ....... Fleury searches in Algeria and finds St Arnaud, St Arnaud is suborned and made Minister of Wa: Man pas, ....... He is suborned and made Prefect of Police, . Persigny, ....... Contrivance for paralysing the National Guard, The army, ....... Its indignation at M. Haze's proposal, Selection of regiments and of officers for the army o Magnan, ....... Meeting of twenty generals at Magnan's house, The army encouraged in its hatred of the people. IV. Assembly at the Elysee on Monday evening, . Vieyra's errand, ...... Midnight, : . f Paris, 234 235 235 236 237 238 239 241 242 242 243 213 214 245 246 246 246 243 243 249 249 249