Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/38

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XXXIV CONTENTS. Chapter XIV. — continued. VII. State of Paris at two o'clock on the 4th of December, . . 271 Attitude of the troops, . . . . . . . .271 Hesitation of Magnan, ........ 272 Its probable grounds, ........ 272 Apparent terror of the plotters on account of their continued isolation, . ......... 273 Stratagem of forming the ' Consultative Commission.' . . 273 Magnan at length resolves to act, ...... 275 VIII. The advanced post of the insurgents, ..... 276 State of the Boulevard at three o'clock, ..... 276 The massacre of the Boulevard, ...... 278 IX. Slaughter in Central Paris, ....... 287 Slaughter of prisoners, ........ 289 X. Mode of dealing with some of the prisoners at the Prefecture, 290 XI. Graduations by which slayers of vanquished men may be dis- tinguished, ......... 291 Slaughter ranging under all those categories, .... 293 Alleged employment of troops as executioners, . . . 291 XII. Uncertainty as to the number of people killed, . . . 299 Total loss of the army in killed, 300 XIII. Effect of the massacre upon the people of Paris, . . . 300 Upon their habit of ridiculing Louis Napoleon, . . . 302 XIV. The fate of the provinces, . . . . . . . 303