Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/465

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xVPPENDIX. 423 ' upon the career of an officer serving with troops ; ' I spoke of Lieutenant Glyn and his seamen as coming up from the sea with some gunboats, whereas I ought to have said that the gunboats they used at Giurgevo were lying in the river beforehand ; and, finally, I spoke of General Airey as returning from Canada to England upon the death of his uncle, whereas I ought to have said that he came back some months before. These four mistakes were pointed out, the first three of them by respectable English journals, and the fourth by an American news- paper. So far as concerns my retrospective glances at things not falling within the strict limits of the History, these are, I think, all the corrections which I owe to the zeal of the press. Well, but what impression has public criticism made upon the rest of the book 1 What (properly) historical errors have owed their correction to the vigilance of the periodical press ] They are as follows : — ' Garan ' should be ' Gagarin ; ' Captain ' Schane ' should be Captain ' Schaw ; ' ' Lux- ' more ' should be ' Luxmoore ; ' ' Bisset ' should be ' Bissett ; ' ' Woolcombe ' should be ' Wollocombe ; ' 1 Montagu ' should be ' Montague.' * For these corrections I am indebted to the conductors of an eminent English newspaper. +

  • The press also suggested four perfectly just corrections in regard

to the following matters :— The rank with which Colonel Codrington went out ; the wrongly-spelt name of ' Stacey ; ' the omission of Colonel Smith from the list of wounded ; the misspelling which gave 1 Wardlow ' instead of ' Wardlaw ; ' and the error about Sir George Brown's exact age, and the way he earned his plumes ; but these corrections had been previously supplied to me by means of private communication, and it is for that reason that I do not place them in the above enumeration of the corrections which I owe to the periodi- cal press. r The misspelling of the name of 'Garan' for 'Gagarin' waa