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scarcely anywhere can clergy or people be found that have not been laid low by this heresy of simony? Who is honest enough to present to a see for the honour of God, for the salvation of the people, and for one’s own salvation? Who is so disinterested as to accept a see, a parish living, or any other benefice under the constraint of these three motives? I would that there were many to refuse them as a form of bondage and human bribery! But are not the words of Jeremiah fulfilled: From the least of them even to the greatest all follow hard after covetousness, and from the prophet even to the priest all make a lie?[1] Is the disciple of Christ wide of the mark when he says: All seek the things that that are their own, not the things that are Jesus Christ’s?[2] It is the voice of the Church weeping, because the gold is become dim and the finest colour is changed.[3] Once the priesthood was like gold aflame with love and burnished with virtues; but now it hath become earthy and blackened, as Bernard saith.[4] The words of our Saviour are fulfilled: Iniquity shall abound—that is, among the clergy—and charity shall grow cold[5] among the people. Woe, therefore, to him that weeps not for such a time! Most illustrious prince, it is because they hear a message like this that a simoniac, pomp-loving, luxurious, and unrestrained clergy charge me with defamation of their order and heresy-mongerings. But shall I keep silence? God forbid! Woe is me

  1. Jer. vi. 13.
  2. Phil. ii. 21.
  3. Lam. iv. 1.
  4. P.: ut ait Bernardus; H.: ut ait Bene impletur—i.e., ut ait Jeremias. I cannot put my finger on this passage. But similar statements in St. Bernard abound.
  5. Matt. xxiv. 12.