Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/308

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hatchet fell from his shoulder unexpectedly, yet moved of heaven, in a place neither intended nor foreseen. Then the man of God understanding this to be the appointed place, with great labor builded there a monastery, and gathered together unto one holy society many sons of God, who were dispersed; and therein dwelling, holily and religiously finished he his life, and at length, renowned in his virtues and his miracles, he rested in the Lord.


Of Saint Rodanus, the Herdsman of Patrick.

And Saint Patrick had a certain herdsman named Rodanus, and he was exceeding religious; and this man in his pastoral duty lived a hermit's life, and often being absorbed in prayer, he pastured the cows and the young calves together. And at the command of Saint Patrick, the whole herd was wondrously retained under his control, nor was any disturbance or confusion there among, for never did the calves approach their mothers, nor depart from them, other than at the bidding of Rodanus; and this he did by the authority and the power of his father, Saint Patrick. And he after a while learning letters, acquired sufficiently the knowledge thereof, and attaining the episcopal degree, he flourished during his life and after his death by manifold miracles.