Page:The night moths of New England, how to determine them readily (IA nightmothsofnewe00knob).pdf/50

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20. Endropia apiciaria; 1⅜ in,; whitish, speckled with light brown.

21. Endropia hypochraria; 1⅝ in.; pale brown, with violet tinge.

Endropia amænaria; 1⅞ in.; bright yellow, z large teeth on apex of hindwing, like 19.

Endropia duria ; 1⅞ in.; rust brown, like 19.

Endropia marginata; 1¾ in.; pale ash brown, like 19.0

Endropia obsturia; 1¾ in.: pale yellow (sometimes dark brown), border pale.

23. Epirranthis afirmaria; 1 in., buff or orange sprinkled with brown.

24. Therina fervidaria; 1 in.; very pale yellow border sometimes.

a. Therina endropiaria; 1 in.; cream.

Therina seminudaria; 1½ in.; smoky gray or whitish.

25. Metrocampa pertaria; 1¼ in.; pearly white, crossed by 2 white lines on forewing and 1 on bindwing,

Anagoga pulveraria; 1¼ in.; pale rusty gray with lilac tinge.

26. Sicya macularia; 1¼ in; bright yellow, buff and brown.

27. Angerona crocataria; 2 in.; bright yellow with faint brown marks. Feeds on currant and strawberry.

28. Nematocampa filamentaria; 1 in.; transparent cream and brown. Feeds on currant and strawberry.

29. Plagodis phlogosaria; 1 in.; forewing, orange, hindwing, lighter; both brown marked.

Plagodis fervidaria; 1¼ in.: yellow, without dusky streak in border.

Plagodis kreusingaria; 1 in.; buff, a dark and light line on hindwing.

Plagodis alcoolaria; 1⅞ in.; pale yellowish tinge, one line on hindwing.

Plagodis serinaria; 1 in.; bright yellow, only a fraction of a line.

30. Hyperetis nyssaria; 1¼ in.; transparent white, brown speckled. Feeds on beach and hypericum.

31. Geometra iridaria; 1¼ in.: green with purplish and white line.

32. Aplodes mimosaria; ½ in: green with white lines. Feeds on oak.

33. Aplodes rubrifrontalia; 1¼ in.: green, white edge and lines.

34. Synchlora rubivoraria: 1 in.: green and white. Feeds on blackberry.

Nemoria suberoceata; 1 in.; like 35, bright buff yellow.

35. Neomria gratata; ⅞in.; faint lines; dull green.

34. Nemoria pistachata; 1 in.; like 34; deep green.

35. Encrostis chlorolcacaria; ⅞in; pale green with white lines.

36. Dyspteris abortivaria; 1¼ in.: greenish gray, white bands; feeds on sunflower.
