Page:The poetical works of Leigh Hunt, containing many pieces now first collected 1849.djvu/124

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The Wits, the Physicians (they say that the godhead
To Knighton, Smith, Elliotson, specially nodded);[1]
All Artists, all Archers (a bright blushing stare
Put a bud in the cheeks of their green-gowned fair);
The Musicians, the Singers (of course the chief only);
And lastly (for fear any heart should feel lonely,
Although with a god,—and to crown it besides
With the sweetest of glories, home-glory), all prides
Were consulted, of husbands, and friends, and relations,
And lovers, and children.—Of all adorations
Commend me to that, which enwrapt ev'ry feature
In love tow'rds the god, for this household good-nature.

"Well said!" cries the reader; "but stop, Mr. Poet;—
The god's invitation—pray how could they know it?
We hear of no message; no list had enroll'd 'em."
'Tis true; 'twas not wanted; their Geniuses told 'em;—
The Spirit that's born with us, but becomes visible
Solely with those to such suppers admissible.[2]

  1. Sir William Knighton has died since these verses were written. I had hoped, by this mention of his name, to give a moment's pleasure to one whose skill, manners, and liberality were worthy of a profession eminent for its friendliness to men of letters; and who, in zealously discharging his duties in the highest quarter, did not forget the least influential of his acquaintances.—With regard to "Smith," it may be allowed me to mention, considering the numerous respectable Smiths existing, doubtless, in the medical as in other professions, that the name of the most eminent of them, Dr. Southwood Smith, is here intended.
  2. It hardly need be observed, that the word "Genius," here used in its mythological sense, does not, of necessity, imply that higher order of faculty, which gifts the possessors with something peculiar to them, and leaves a gap when they are gone. And as little does it imply equality of faculty. The difference of degree, in this respect, among the ladies ensuing, is as great, as specification of it would be ungallant. All the criticisms