Page:The poisonous snakes of India. For the use of the officials and others residing in the Indian Empire (IA poisonoussnakeso01ewar).pdf/31

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Ophiophagus Elaps.

Hamadryad (Günther), Sunkerchor (Native), Ai ráj in Orissa (Fayrer). This is a hooded snake, varying in length, in the adult state, from twelve to fourteen feet. It is powerful, active, and aggressive.

Günther describes the genus as follows :-"Body rather elongate; tail of proportionate length; head rather short, depressed, scarcely distinct from neck, which is dilatable; occipitals surrounded by three pairs of large shields, the two anterior of which are temporals. Nostril between two nasals. Loreal none; one or two præ-, three post-oculars. Scales smooth, much imbricate, in transverse rows, in fifteen series round the body, but in many more round the neck; those of the vertebral series are rather larger than the others, ventrals more than 200; anal entire ; anterior sub-caudals simple, posterior two-rowed, sometimes all bifid. Maxillary with a large fang in front, which is perforated at the end, showing a longitudinal groove in front; a second small simple tooth at some distance behind the fang."

Varieties dependent upon age and locality":-

"a. Olive green above; the shields of the head, the scales of the neck, hinder part of the body and of the tail edged with black; trunk with numerous oblique, alternate black and white bands converging towards the head; lower parts marbled with blackish, or uniform pale greenish.

“B. Brownish-olive, uniform anteriorly, with the scales black-edged posteriorly, each scale of the tail with a very distinct white, black-edged ocellus, as in Ptyas mucosus.

7. Uniform brownish black, scales of the binder part of the body and of the tail somewhat lighter in the centre; all the lower parts black, except the chin and throat, which are yellow."