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SELECTIONS FROM MR. EDWARD ARNOLD'S LIST WORKS BY THE DEAN OF ROCHESTER, The Very Rev. S. REYNOLDS HOLE. THE MEMOIRS OF DEAN HOLE. With Illustrations from Original Sketches by Leech and Thackeray, and Photogravure Portrait of the Author. Demy 8vo, 16s. Third Edition.

  • The Bean has a very pretty turn of humour, and his thoroughly manly nature, and

keen enjoyment of life, especially out-door life, give his Memoirs an atmosphere of good-spirits and good-humour which is very exhilarating. He tells a story well, and has many good stories to tell.' — Times. 'One of the most delightful collections of reminiscences that this generation has seen, full of homely wisdom, long experience, wide cultivation, infinite sympathy, delicious humour— the very mirror of the most charming of men.'— Daily Chronicle. A LITTLE TOUR IN IRELAND. By An Oxonian. With nearly 40 Illustrations by John Leech, including the famous steel frontispiece of the 'Claddagh.' Large imperial 16mo, handsomely bound, gilt top, 10s. 6d. 1 A welcome contribution to the revival of Leech literature. Mr. Hole, the " Oxon- ian " of those days, was blessed with buoyant spirits, and even then had a delightful taste for "couleur de roses" ; his narrative is full of fun, observation, kindliness, remarkable and unusual comprehension of the people of Ireland, and sympathy with them. Leech's illustrations are charming ; their exaggeration has not the slightest touch of malice, and their humour is irresistible.' — World. A BOOK ABOUT THE GARDEN AND THE GARDENER. With steel plate frontispiece by John Leech. Crown 8vo, 6s. ' A dainty book, ... a profusion of jokes and good stories, with a vein of serious thought running through the whole.' — Guardian. A BOOK ABOUT ROSES. Twelfth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. 1 A perfectly charming book.'— Daily Telegraph. LONDON: EDWARD ARNOLD, 37 BEDFORD STREET, W.C. PUBU8HER TO THE INDIA OFFICE, t? ■ DigULteduyvjOQ . _j