Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/166

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advantage of his motion, from the situation of his out posts, the passes of which were all in his command. Lerma was at Espalion, and just as his army was beginning to move, one of his Aides de Camp brought him intelligence, that the King was at Albrac, in his front, but four miles from him. Alarmed at this news, and dreading a battle, he instantly ordered his troops to arms, and they moved forming into their camp, at the same time receiving orders to raise new entrenchments and redoubts. The King had made this sudden and rapid motion with design to bring on a battle, judging it a favourable opportunity when the Spaniards were on the march: however, finding that the Duke was taking every precaution that was possible, he gave over the design, and the two armies continued in the same position a week, during which time, George was incessantly attacking the out partiesand