Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/176

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pal efforts. One he commanded himself; and the Duke of Devonshire, and the Earl of Bury the other two; the prodigious boldness of the attempt made some advise the King against it; but his ardent temper made him reject their opinion: it was expected, that this action would be one of the bloodiest ever fought. The King made the attack at three o'clock in the morning, of the 24th of July, but it could be hardly called a battle; in half an hour, the whole French army gave way: dispirited by so many defeats, and engaging in expectation of being conquered; instead of fighting like men, they fled like sheep. Philip, with the Dauphin his brother on one side of him, and Siletta on the other, attempted to rally his men, but it was impossible, and in the flight he was taken prisoner by the Earl of Bury, to whom he delivered his sword: the Dauphin was also taken; and MarshalSiletta.