Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/78

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dour was but an indifferent General, and had to oppose a young Monarch, whose late actions rendered him the most celebrated commander in Europe.

In the mean time the attention of Peter was called off, in a great measure, from the English war, by a new enemy, that had made a formidable attack upon his dominions. Bajazet, Emperor of the Turks, an old enemy of the Czar's, thought this a fair opportunity to recover Crim Tartary, which the Russian Monarch had conquered from him in the last war; in this situation he listened, with pleasure, to the remonstrances of the English Ambassador, who left no stone unturned that could engage the Emperor in the war. Bajazet thought the moment so fair, when Peter was engaged in a most expensive war with Great Britain, that the Grand Visier, Selim, at the head of two hun-dred