Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/95

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This session voted the King a million sterling for the senate house, and granted five hundred thousand pounds a year till his Majesty's building should be finished.

Nothing could exceed the magnificence of Gilbert's plan for this glorious city. The houses were all built to form one general front on each side of every street. Nothing was used but Portland stone. The streets were broad, well paved, and the buildings not too high. Many noble squares were marked out; and some finished. The theatre was the work of his Majesty himself, who drew the plan, and showing it to Gilbert, that great man told the King it had not a single fault;—but this compliment had not sincerity enough in it. It certainly contains some blemishes, but is undoubtedly a work of genius. The three centuries before his Majesty's reign did not produce so fine a build-ing.