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it has been the means of melting the stubborn soul, of binding: up the broken hearted, of changing the proud sinner into an humble saint and of restoring to polluted man the lost image of his God. Do you ask when is the proper season for prayer? I answer in the Apostle's words. "pray without ceasing." 1 Thes. 5 c. 17 v. I mean not that you should be always upon your knees or always lifting up your voice to heaven, but that you should constantly cherish a prayerful spirit, and be ready to frame a prayer from the circumstances about you.

Are you blessed with temporal mercies, with an easy competence, a smiling family and a fair reputation, pray that these blessings may not prove a snare to you, by robbing the gracious giver of your heart, and you have your "good things" in this world only. Are you tried in your health, in your circumstances, or in your family; pray that the will of God may be accomplished in the dispensation, that you may discern the drift of his providence, may meet it with humble resignation and reap the blessing. Are you called to undertake some arduous duty or to encounter some severe temptation; pray, that God's strength may be perfected in your weakness, that his grace may be sufficient for you, and that you may come off more than conqueror through him that loved you.

Are you going to public worship; pray, that your hearts may be devoutly disposed, that you may enjoy God's gracious presence in his sanctuary, and worship him in spirit and in truth. Are you leaving the church; pray, that you may carry home a blessing, and that you may evince in your temper and in your lives that you have indeed been with Jesus. "Begin the day with prayer;" it is the golden key that unlocks heaven to pour down blessings on you; and close the day with prayer, it is the same golden key that locks you up under the safe protection of God.

Pray for your friends that they may be near and dear to God; pray for your enemies that their hearts may be changed and their souls saved; pray for the progress of the Gospel of Christ throughout the world, "that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified," 2 Thes. 3 c. 1 v. pray for the ministers of the gospel,