Page:The spiders of the northern states-1901.djvu/23

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P. albomaculata. ¥% in. long. Black with white spots. Legs with jl light rings.

P. brunnea. % in. long. Dark brown with light marks. A light line on the belly.

P. lapidicina. % in long. Black and gray. Legs with light rings. P. bilineata. #5 in. long. Light yellow with brown. Chest part un- derneath light with a dark edge and a row of spots at each side. Under side of body marked with four indistinct lines. Legs light yellow.

P. palida. Yin. long. Light yellowish with brown. Similar to P. bilineata, but on the belly are two black lines.

P. nigropalpis. % in. long. Black and gray. Legs yellowish, with gray rings.

P. montana. Yin. long. Resembles P. a/bopatella but its colors are duller and markings less distinct. All legs are alike.

P. albopatella. in. long. Black and whitish gray. Under side of chest part black; belly gray with three black lines,

The feelers are black with a white middle joint. The first legs are black, the others lighter towards the feet and the last pair are ringed.

