Page:The spiders of the northern states-1901.djvu/31

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9 és 2. T. asperatus. % in. long. Pale brown, covered with bristles. Chest part


1. T. piger. 3% in. long. Yellowish brown. Chest part with two brown stripes. Body part with two rows of dots. Paler underneath.

with two black stripes. First and second pairs of legs with brown rings.

X. stomachosus. % in. long. Chest part light yellow, reddish brown at the edges. Body part dirty white, with black dots. Legs yellow.

X. triguttatus. ¥yi

n. long. Chest part reddish brown, with black marks. Body part dark brown, with white markings. Legs yellow.

X. emertoni. 3 in. long. Chest part yellowish brown, with white edges and red brown markings. Body part brown above, underneath yellow with red brown dots. Legs red brown.

X. gulosus. % in. long. Chest part yellowish gray with brown and black spots. Body part brown gray, whitish at the sides. Legs brown above, under side gray or yellow with black dots.


C. versicolor. % in. long. Chest part yellow, marbled with red brown and red streaks. Body part dark brown, and whitish. Legs yellow, with red brown feet.


88 8. S. parvula. % in. long. Chest part reddish. Body part yellowish with a black band. Hind

legs greenish or yellowish.

