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Halley's Comet.

As early as Dec. 22, 1908, an American astronomer, O. J. Lee, at the Yerkes Observatory, Chicago, commenced a photographic search for Halley's Comet. Its then position, according to Seagrave (confirmed by Cowell and Crommelin's independent Ephemeris), was R. A. 6h 3m and Decl. 11° 26. As no sign of the anxiously-expected object could be found Lee concluded that it was too small for his telescope, and must have been less bright than a 17th mag. star.

    the comet's path among the constellations. Ångström of Upsala in 1862, taking up Hind's identifications, startled astronomers by predicting that the comet would return at a date 23/4 years different from the date named by Pontécoulant, namely,April, 1910. (Nova Ada Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, vol. iv, n.s., 1863.)