Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/59

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Rue Christine in 1707. He died in 1760-61. The Principes contains his portrait by Bernard Picart; the face is far from common, and is characteristic in expression. It will be noticed that the flute in the portrait has figures over each finger. "Le Romain" is

\defineBarLine "|;|" #'("|;|" "|;|" "|;|")
\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = "PAR M. HOTTETERRE-LE-R."
\score {
\new GrandStaff <<
  \new MensuralStaff = "flute" \with {midiInstrument="flute"} \relative c'' {
      \clef "petrucci-g1"
      \key g \major
      \override = #'single-digit
      \time 3/4
      \tempo \markup {MENUET Tendre \italic {Le Mignon.}}
      \override = #'petrucci
      \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##f
      \omit TupletNumber
      g'8 fis g4 e
      bis2 d4
      g, g \afterGrace a(\staccato {g16 a)}
      b8 c b a g4
      \tuplet 3/2 {g' fis g} d
      bis2 d4
      d cis b\startGroup
      ais2. \bar "|;|"
      a8 g a4 b
      c2^"v" c4
      d( d^"I" c8 d)
      e4. d8 c4
      d8 c d4 cis
      fes4. g8 e4
      e4 d4. d8
      e8 d c b a g
      fis2 r4
      a4 b8 ais4 g8
      a b a4. g8
      a b a4. b8
      c4.^"v" d8 cis4
      a4 ais4. g8
      g2. \bar "|;|"
      g2. \bar "||"
  \new MensuralVoice = "bass" \with {midiInstrument="acoustic bass"} \relative c'' { 
      \clef "petrucci-c3"
      \key g \major
      \override = #'single-digit
      \time 3/4
      \tempo \markup {MENUET Tendre \italic {Le Mignon.}}
      \override = #'petrucci
      g8 fis g4 d
      b^"6" b a^"x6"
      g'8 fis g4 b,^"6"
      b a^"x6" g\startGroup
      \clef "petrucci-f4"
      d2. \bar "|;|"
      d4.\stopGroup a'8 b c
      \clef "petrucci-c3"
      d2^". ."^"1" d4^"4"^"6"
      a'8 g a4 e^"5"
      fes^"5"^"6" g^"4" g,^"3"
      c c'8 b c a
      b a b g c b
      a4^\markup {\flat6} b^"4" c
      fes,^"5"^"6" g^"4" g,^"3"
      \clef "petrucci-f4"
      a,4. g'8 a b
      c4. c,
      d a'8 b c
      d4. c8 d e
      d4. c8 d e
      d4. b8 c g
      fis^"f" e fis d g4
      c,^"5"^"6" d^"4" d,^"3"
      g g'8 a b g \bar "|;|"
      g,2. \bar "||"
\layout {
  indent = #0
  \context {
    \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver
    \override BarLine.transparent = ##f % Notice two pound signs
  \midi { 
    \tempo 4 = 112

Facsimile of a page of one of Hotteterre's flute solos with bass. In the original the lines are broken and very uneven, and it is difficult to tell what the notes really are.

said to have been the first to play the transverse flute in the opera at Paris, c. 1697. Several of his contemporaries bear testimony to his powers as a performer, and one, writing in 1702, says he "taught the instrument to lament in so affecting a manner in mournful