Page:Theory and Practice of Handwriting.djvu/128

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  1. Make a special study of any hopelessly bad writers: never despair of entirely reforming such.
  2. Post the names of the best writers and of the most diligent writers on the walls of the Class or Schoolroom.
  3. Caution the class against plunging pens to the bottom of the inkwells.
  4. Guard against writing too long at once; relieve by rests in which theory may be illustrated on blackboard.
  5. In writing, more than in any other subject, strive to keep the pupils in a good humour.

We shall conclude this chapter with a few hints to writers.

Multum in Parvo.

  1. Write vertically.
  2. Write continuously.
  3. Write uniformly.
  4. Write plainly.
  5. Write slowly.
  6. Discard all flourishes.
  7. Make the simplest capital letters possible.
  8. Avoid heavy or thick writing.
  9. Make short loops.
  10. Don’t grasp the pen tightly.
  11. Keep the fingers’ ends clear of the nib.
  12. Use plain penholders not fancy ones.
  13. Avoid striking pen to bottom of inkstand.
  14. Use a wet sponge for penwiper.
  15. Always keep the thumb slightly bent up.
  16. Write evenly with both points of the nib.
  17. Push up the book as the writing descends.
  18. Sit easy and erect before the book.
  19. Avoid all twisting of the body.
  20. Keep both arms free from the sides.
  21. Point the pen towards the elbow.
  22. Keep the fingers easily straight.