Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/102

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will effectual participation in the administration be realised for the entire mass of the exploited, who even under the most cultured and free bourgeois democracy remained practically excluded from participation in the administration. Only in the Soviets does the mass really begin to study, not out of books, but out of its own practical experience, the work of Socialist construction, the creation of a new social discipline, a free union of free workers.

II. In What Should the Immediate and
Universal Preparation for a Dictatorship of
the Proletariat Consist?

5. The present moment in the development of the International Communist movement is characterised by the fact that in a great majority of capitalist countries the preparation of the proletariat to the reaiisation of its dictatorship is not yet completed—very often it has not even been begun systematically. It does not follow that the proletarian revolution is not possible in the most immediate future; it is quite possible, because the economic and political situation is extraordinarily rich in inflammable material and causes of its sudden inflammation; the other condition for a revolution, besides the preparedness of the proletariat, namely the general state of crisis in all the ruling and all the bourgeois parties, is