Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/109

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therefore from this very tribune the Communists must carry on their work of propaganda, agitation, organization, explaining to the masses why the dissolution of the bourgeois parliament (Constituent Assembly) by the national Congress of Soviets was a legitimate proceeding at the time in Russia (as it will be in all countries in due time). On the other hand, the whole history of the bourgeois democracy has made out of the parliamentary tribune, especially in the more advanced countries, the chief, or one of the chief, means of unbelievable financial and political swindles, the possibility of making a career, hypocrisy, oppression of the workers. Therefore, the deep hatred against all parliaments on the part of the best representatives of the revolutionary proletariat is perfectly lawful. Therefore, on the part of the Communist Parties, and all parties adhering to the Third International, especially in cases when such parties have become formed not by means of a division in the old parties and after a lasting stubborn struggle against them, but by means of the old parties passing over (often nominally) to a new position, it is necessary to be very strict in their attitude towards their parliamentary factions, demanding their complete subordination to the control and the directions of the Central Committee of the party; to include in them mostly revolutionary workmen; to carry out at Party