Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/112

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full confidence in the leading rôle of the revolutionary proletariat. Without such a preparation no dictatorship of the proletariat will be possible, and those who are capable of preaching against strikes, like Kautsky in Germany, Turatti in Italy, are not to be suffered in the ranks of parties adhering to the Third International. This concerns still more, naturally, such trade union and parliamentary leaders, who often betray the workmen by teaching them reformism by means of strikes, not revolution (for instance, in England and France during the last years).

12. For all countries, even for the most free "legal" and "peaceful" ones in the sense of a lesser acuteness in the class struggle the period has arrived when it has become absolutely necessary for every Communist party to join systematically all lawful and illegal work, lawful and illegal organization.

In the most enlightened and free countries, with a most "solid" bourgeois-democratic régime, the governments are systematically recurring, in spite of their false and hypocritical assurances, to the method of keeping secret lists of Communists, to endless violations of their constitutions for the semi-secret support of White Guards and the murder of Communists in all countries, to secret preparations for the arrest of Communists, the introduction of provocators among the Communists, etc. Only the most reactionary petty