Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/117

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immediately; that it confirms the answer of the Executive Committee of the Third International to the German Independents; that it confirms its readiness to carry on negotiations with any party leaving the Second International and desiring to join the Third; that it reserves the right of a consultative vote to the delegate of such parties at all its congresses and conferences, and that it proposes the following conditions for a complete union of these (and similar) parties with the Communist International:

1. The publishing of all the resolutions passed by all the congresses of the Communist International and by the Executive Committee, in all the periodical publications of the party.

2. Their discussion at the special meetings of all sections and local organizations of the party.

3. The convocation, after such a discussion, of a special congress of the party for the summarising of the results, etc.

4. The weeding out from the party of all elements which continue to act in the spirit of the Second International.

5. The transfer of all periodical papers of the party into the hands of Communist editors. The Second Congress of the Third International must charge its Executive Committee to receive formally the above-named and similar parties into the Third International after a preliminary verification that all these conditions