Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/120

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18. The Second Congress of the Third International considers as not correct the views regarding the relations of the Party to the class and to the masses, and the non-participation of the Communist Parties in the bourgeois parliaments and reactionary Labour unions, which have been precisely refuted in the special resolutions of the present congress, and defended in full by the "Communist Labour Party of Germany" and also partially by the "Communist Party of Switzerland", by the organ of the West European secretariat of the Communist International "Communismus" in Amsterdam, and by several of our Dutch comrades; further by certain Communist organisations in England, as for instance "The Workers' Socialist Federation". Also by the "I. W. W." in America, the "Shop Steward Committees" in England, and so forth.

Nevertheless, the Second Congress of the Third International considers possible and desirable the immediate affiliation of such of these organizations which have not already done so officially, because in the given case, especially as regards the I. W. W. of America and Australia, and the "Shop Steward Committees" of England, we have to deal with a deeply proletarian mass movement, which practically shares the principles of the Communist International. In such organizations any mistaken views on the question of participation in the bourgeois parliaments, are to be explained not so much by