Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/39

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Second International, being in fact the worse enemies of Socialism, traitors to it, bourgeois jingoes, agents of the bourgeoisie within the Labour movement. The proletariat becomes a truly revolutionary class, truly Socialist in its actions, only by acting as the vanguard of all those who work and are being exploited, as their leader in the struggle for the overthrow of the oppressors; and this cannot be achieved without carrying the class struggle into the country, without making the labouring masses of the country all gather around the Communist Party of the town proletariat, without the peasants being educated by the town proletariat.

2. The labouring and exploited masses in the country which the town proletariat must lead on to the fight, or at the least win over on its side, are represented in all capitalist countries by the following classes:

In the first place by the agricultural proletariat, the hired labourers (by the year, by the job, by the day) making their living by wage labour in capitalistic agricultural establishments. The independent organization of this class, separated from the other groups of the country population (in a political, military, professional, cooperative, educational sense) an energetic propaganda among it, in order to win it over to the side of the Soviet power and of the dictatorship of the proletariat—such is the fundamental task of the Communist Parties in all countries.