Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/52

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of all land-owners as leaders of the counter revolution and relentless oppressors of the whole country population, the proletarian power, in proportion to its consolidation not only in the towns but in the country as well, must systematically strive to take advantage of all the forces of this class. of all those who possess valuable experience, learning, organisational gifts, and must use them (under special control of the most reliable communist workers) to organise the gross agriculture on Socialist principles.

7. The victory of Socialism over capitalism, the consolidation of Socialism will be definitely guaranteed at the time when the proletarian State power after having definitely subdued all resistance of the exploiters and secured for itself a complete solidity and full submission will reorganise the whole industry on the base of gross collective production and a new technical base (founded on the electrification of agriculture). This alone will afford a possibility of such a radical help in the technical and the social sense, accorded by the town to the backward and dispersed country. that this help will create a material base for an enormous increase of the productivity of agricultural and the general farming work, and will incite the small farmers by the force of example and the care for their own profit to pass to the gross collective machine agriculture. This undeniable theoretical truth, nominally acknowl-