Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/68

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The Communist Party enters such institution not for the purpose of organisation work, but in order to blow up the whole bourgeois machinery and the parliament itself from within (for instance, the work of Liebknecht in Germany, of the Bolsheviks in the Imperial Duma, in the "Democratic Conference", in the "Pre-parliament" of Kérensky, and lastly, in the "Constituent Assembly", and also in the Municipal Dumas).

13. This work within the parliaments, which consists chiefly in making revolutionary propaganda from the parliamentary tribune, the denunciation of enemies, the ideological uniting of the masses, etc., must be fully subordinated to the objects and tasks of the mass struggle outside the parliaments.

14. The following conditions are indispensable: (1) The absence of all „autonomy“ for the parliamentary Communist groups, and their unconditional subordination to the Central Committee of the Party; (2) Constant control and direction by the Party Executive Committee; (3) The adaptation of parliamentary demonstrations to those going on outside the parliament; (4) Revolutionary attitude in the parliament, i. e., the absence of all "principled" fear of overstepping the limits of parliamentary regulations; (5) The execution of part of the work outside the parliament, especially in connection with the mass demonstrations, by the