Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/73

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Draft of Instruction to the Communist Members
of the Bourgeois Parliaments and to the Central
Committees of Communist Parties, Whose Duty
It Is to Direct the Communist Factions of the
Bourgeois Parliaments.

Annex to Theses on Parliamentarism.

The opposition to the Communists entering the bourgeois parliaments is sustained mostly by the remembrance of Social Democratic parliamentarism during the epoch of the Second International. The conduct of the majority of the Social Democratic members in the bourgeois parliament was really so unprincipled and frequently treacherous, that this bitter experience cannot be forgotten by the working class.

That is why it is necessary for the Communist International, which has in the interests of the revolution advocated the utilisatlon of the parliamentary tribune by the Communists, to observe very strictly the activity of the Communist members and to take all measures to create a new type of revolutionary parliamentarian-Communist warrior.