Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/92

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the Party as a whole at the given moment is lawful or illegal; it is quite inadmissible that any publishers abusing their autonomy might carry on a policy different from that of the Party.

13. The parties belonging to the Communist International must be organized on the principles of democratic centralism. At the present moment of acute civil war the Communist Party will be able to fulfill its duty only if it is organized in the most centralised form, if it is ruled by an iron discipline, almost a military one, and if its Party centre is an organ of authority with full power, enjoying the complete confidence of the members of the Party.

14. The Communist Parties of countries where the Communists may carry on their work lawfully, must periodically weed out (by re-registration) the personnel of the Party organisations, in order to clean the Party systematically from all the petty bourgeois elements which inevitably creep into it.

15. Each Party desirous of belonging to the Communist International shall be bound to render all possible aid to the Soviet Republics in their struggle against counter-revolutionary forces. The Communist Parties shall carry on an unfaillng propaganda to induce the workers to refuse to transport objects of military equipment addressed to the enemies of the Soviet Republics, and also by lawful means or illegally to carry