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No, by God!

Father McKee

Joe ain’t the only young fellow around, either!


Young fellas is no matter. Only Joe. An’ I ain’ scare’ over Joe excep’ for special reason. You tell Joe, Padre . . . [He is returning to his old subject, but the wine distracts him.] Ah-h-h!

Father McKee

Why didn’t you get married forty years ago?


I think you know verra good w’y. Ees because I’m no dam’ fool. . . . W’en I’m young, I got nothing. I’m broke all da time, you remember? I got no money for havin’ wife. I don’ want no wife for mak’ her work all da time. Da’s no good, dat. Da’s mak’ her no more young, no more prett’, Evrabody say Tony is crazy for no’ havin’ wife. I say Tony is no dam’ fool. W’at is happen? Pro’ibish’ is com’. Salute! [A glass of wine. Ah Gee has returned to his kitchen.] An’ w’at I say? I say, “Ees dam’ fool law. Ees dam’ fool fellas fer bein’ scare’ an’ pullin’ up da grape’ for tryin’ growin’ som’thing different.” Wat I’m doin’? I’m keep the grape, eh? I say, “I