Page:This side the trenches, with the American Red cross (IA thissidetrenches00desc).pdf/39

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3. What facts indicate that to take children from school in order that they may work is poor economy?

4. Give two reasons why children sometimes want to stop school.

5. Give an illustration showing how Home Service works to keep children in school.

6. Why does the Red Cross seek to improve the physical condition of children?

7. (a) What is the treatment for tuberculosis? (b) How is this disease chiefly spread?

8. (a) Have all children equal opportunity for recreation? (b) Do you know of children in your town who have no place to play? (c) Why is recreation a necessity?

9. What kinds of recreation, aside from physical exercises, help to develop children?

10. (a) How does Home Service try to advance the spiritual life of the family? (b) What is its attitude toward religious observance?