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B. Animals
B268.8.3. Army of wasps. Jewish: Neuman.
B268.9. Army of tigers. India: *Thompson-Balys.
B268.10. Army of cows. India: Thompson-Balys.
B268.11. Army of cats. India: Thompson-Balys.
B268.12. Army of boars. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 819.
B268.13. Army of hyenas. Africa: Stanley 261.
B270. Animals in legal relations. **Cabanès Les animaux en justice (L'indiscretions de l'histoire, 5e serie, procedures singulières, Paris, 1920), **Lossouarn Les animaux en justice aux temps jadis (Bordeaux, 1905). — Spanish Exempla: Keller; Bødker Exempler 289 No. 40, 294 No. 55.; Jewish: Neuman.
J1172.3. Ungrateful animal returned to captivity. J1852. Goods sold to animals. P510. Law courts.
B270.1. Lawsuit between the owl and kite. India: Thompson-Balys.
B270.2. Lawsuit between owl and mouse. Africa. (Wakweli): Bender 38.
B271. Animals as plaintiffs.
B271.1. Parrot and sparrow argue right to inherit property left by man. Sparrow says his interests are the same as man's; parrot says that he caused all man's wealth, since man sold his feathers. People's decision for parrot. — Africa (Fang): Nassau 237 No. 5.
B271.2. Grain as damages for injury to cat. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 294 No. 10.
B271.3. Animals ring bell and demand justice. A king has a bell which petitioners for justice may ring and thus summon him. The bell is rung by a serpent which is being menaced by a turtle (or by an old horse who wishes to complain against a cruel master). — *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 648; *Wesselski Theorie 20; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
B272. Animals as defendents in court. **Jacoby Zs. f. Vksk. XXIII (1913) 184.
E573. Ghosts tried in court.
B272.1. Lawsuit against animals. *Saintyves RTP XXVII 155.
B272.2. Animal tried for crime. *Evans (E.P.) The criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals (New York 1926), von Amira (K), Tierstrafen und Tierprozesse (Innsbruck, 1891); *Mittheilungen d. Instituts f. öster. Geschichtsforsch. XII (1891) 545; *H. A. Berkenhoff Tierstrafe, Tierbannung und rechtsrituelle Tiertötung im Mittelalter (Strassburg 1937, diss.); Fb "stævne".
B272.2.1. Horse tried for crime. *Howey Horse in Magic and Myth 215ff.
B274. Animal as judge. Africa: Milligan 98. (See all references to J1172.3 and J1130. Cleverness in law court.)
B275. Animal punished. Wesselski Nasreddin I 208 No. 11, II 186 No. 356. — *Von Amira Tierstrafen und Tierprozesse (Innsbruck, 1891); Jewish: Neuman.
B253.3. Fox fasts as penance. J1860. Animal or object absurdly punished.
B275.1. Animal executed for crime. *Frazer Old Testament III 415—445; *Wesselski Märchen 231; **Evans The Criminal Prosecution and Ca-