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Book I.
Of Occult Philoſophy.

knowledge of whole nature, and it doth inſtruct us concerning the differing, and agreement of things amongſt themſelves, whence it produceth its wonderfull effects, by uniting the vertues of things through the application of them one to the other, and to their inferior ſutable ſubjects, joyning and knitting them together thoroughly by the powers, and vertues of the ſuperior Bodies. This is the moſt perfect and chief Science, that ſacred, and ſublimer kind of Phyloſophy, and laſtly the moſt abſolute perfection of all moſt excellent Philoſophy. For ſeeing that all regulative Philoſophy is divided into Naturall, Mathematicall, and Theologicall: (Naturall Philoſophy teacheth the nature of thoſe things which are in the world, ſearching and enquiring into their Cauſes, Effects, Times, Places, Faſhions, Events, their Whole, and Parts, alſo

  The Number and the Nature of thoſe things,
  Cal'd Elements, what Fire, Earth, Aire forth brings:
  From whence the Heavens their beginnings had;
  Whence Tide, whence Rainbow, in gay colours clad.
  What makes the Clouds that gathered are, and black,
  To ſend forth Lightnings, and a Thundring crack;
  What doth the Nightly Flames, and Comets make;
  What makes the Earth to ſwell, and then to quake:
  What is the ſeed of Metals, and of Gold
  What Vertues, Wealth, doth Nature's Coffer hold.

All theſe things doth naturall Philoſophy, the viewer of nature contain, teaching us according to Virgil's Muſe.

        ————————Whence all things flow,
  Whence Mankind, Beaſt; whence Fire, whence Rain, and Snow,
  Whence Earth-quakes are; why the whole Ocean beats
  Over his Banks, and then again retreats:
  Whence ſtrength of Hearbs, whence Courage, rage of Bruits,
  All kinds of Stone, of Creeping things, and Fruits.

But Mathematicall Philoſophy teacheth us to know the

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