Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/128

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Every day in this world has its work; and every day as it rises out of eternity keeps putting to each of us this question afresh, "What will you do before to-day has sunk into eternity and nothingness again?" And now what have we to say with respect to this strange, solemn thing—Time? That men do with it through life just what the apostles did for one precious and irreparable hour in the garden of Gethsemane—they go to sleep.

Whoever lives a noble life for Christ and God—he is one of God's workmen, working on that building of which God is the supreme Architect.

There is one thing that makes life mighty in its veriest trifles, worthy in its smallest deeds, that delivers it from monotony, that delivers it from insignificance. All will be great, nothing will be overpowering, when, living in communion with Jesus Christ, we say as He says, "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me."

The simple desire and purpose to please and honor and serve the Master will save your most ordinary work from being contemptible, and will give to your greatest service a beauty and acceptableness which bulk and bigness can never give.

My Master and my Lord!
     I long to do some work, some work for Thee;
I long to bring some lowly gift of love
     For all Thy love to me.