Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/674

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God's call to, 342 a, c.
God will excuse you, 343 e.
Heavenly calls, 342 c.
In eternity, 311 c, 475 b, 560 c, e.
Labors for, 129 b-d.
Lost state of, 340 a-341 b, 343 a-c, 560 b, d, 561 a.
Method with, 344 b.
Need of, 506 e, 508 a.
Neutrality impossible, 341 d.
Sense of unworthiness, 82 b, 83 a.
Urged to come to Christ, 340 b, 341 b, 342 a-343 c, 527 b.
View of God's mercy, 409 e.
Warned, 358 a.
Why remain so, 341 e.
  • Importunity.See Prayer.
  • Indifference: 344.
Produces obduracy, 344 d.
Religious, alarming, 344 c, d.
  • Indolence: 344-346
And truth, 604 d.
Anti-christian, 344 f, 346 c.
Crime, a, 367 e.
Cure for, 346 d, e.
Leads to faults and vices, 345 a-g.
Worst enemy of the church, 344 e, 346 a, b.
  • Industry: 346-347.See also Labor.
Commanded by the gospel, 347 c.
Is genius, 347 a.
Motive to, 346 f.
Nature of, 347 b.
  • Infidelity: 347-349.
Advocates of, 349 e.
Argument against, 258 b.
Atheism its logical end, 348 d.
Cause of, 348 b, c, g.
Checks aspiration, 347 d.
Crime to teach it, a, 36 b, 349 d.
Cure for, 137 e, 348 f.
Destroys law and morality, 348 a.
How to meet it, 349 f-h, 348 e, f.
Not taught by mothers, 349 a.
Not wisdom, 349 c.
Prayer for deliverance from, 349 b.
Test of, 182 c.
  • Influence: 350-351.
Unconscious, extent of, 350 a, b, 351 b-e, 611 a.
  • Integrity: 352.
Before genius, 352 d.
Best policy, 352 b-f.
Element in Christian character, 250 c, 352 a.
  • Intellect: 353.See also Reason and Talents.
And piety, 453 a, b, 565 e.
Below character, 353 d.
Has no conscience, 353 a.
Permanent, 353 c.
Should be my counsellor, 353 b.
  • Intemperance: 353-354.
Brings ruin, 353 g, 354 a.
Mother of all vices, 353 e, f.
And sorrow, 45 a, 356 d, 555 c, d, f, 556 d, f, 557 a, 558b, 569 c, 585 f.
Duty, a, 357 a.
Earthly, prelude to heavenly, 355 c.
Gives strength, 354 b, 355 d.
Give it heart-room, 356 b.
Nature of, 264 d, 355 a, 356 e, 603 a.
Necessary to rest, 356 a.
Of God, 559 c.
Of Heaven, 303 a-304 b, 306 a 307 b, 309 c.