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While pens declared political independence on paper, the cause was nearly lost on the battlefield. Thomas Paine's Common Sense won many over to the cause. Congress took the dramatic step of declaring independence from Britain in July. After being pushed to the brink, the Continental Army's daring Delaware River crossing and victory over the Hessians at Trenton gave new life to the cause.

January 1
British thwart Montgomery and Arnold's assault on Quebec; invasion of Canada fails.

January 5
New Hampshire becomes the first colony to declare full independence.

January 19
Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense.

February 27
Patriots defeat a loyalist force at Battle of Moores Creek Bridge near Wilmington, North Carolina.

March 2
Americans fortify Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts, using cannon brought from Fort Ticonderoga by artillery chief, Henry Knox.

Congress appoints Silas Deane as diplomatic agent to France, in hopes of securing military aid.

March 3 - 4
Continental Navy and Marine raid on the British colony of Nassau, Bahamas, yields quantities of valuable military stores.

March 17
American siege forces British to evacuate Boston.

March 31
Abigail Adams issues historic plea for women’s rights, urging her husband, John to “remember the ladies” as Congress drafts new laws.

Continental Army leaves its first winter encampment at Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Continental Army enters and begins to erect defenses in New York City.

The French government consents to send secret military aid to the colonies.

May 10
Congress authorizes each of the thirteen colonies to form new state governments.

June 7
Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee offers a formal resolution calling for American independence.

June 12
Congress appoints a committee to prepare a draft of a working government entitled the Articles of Confederation.