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August 16
Hessian component of General Burgoyne’s offensive defeated at Bennington (Vermont).

August 25
British land at Head of Elk (Chesapeake Bay), Maryland, and begin campaign to capture Philadelphia.

September 2
Zealous Pennsylvania government arrests prominent Philadelphia Quakers for not supporting patriot causes and sends them into exile in Virginia.

September 11
Washington gives ground after losing hard-fought Battle of Brandywine, Pennsylvania.

September 19
At the first Battle of Saratoga (Freeman’s Farm), New York, Burgoyne’s army is shaken by encounter with Arnold and Morgan’s riflemen.

September 21
British carry out victorious nighttime bayonet assault on Anthony Wayne’s Pennsylvania troops at the Battle of Paoli, Pennsylvania.

September 22 - 26
English outmaneuver Continental Army and capture Philadelphia.

October 4
Washington’s bold counter attack at the Battle of Germantown, Pennsylvania, falls short.

October 7
At Second Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights) New York, Arnold defeats British again and forces them to retreat.

October 17
Burgoyne surrenders his trapped army to General Horatio Gates.

October 22
Hessian attack on Fort Mercer, New Jersey, is firmly repulsed.

November 10 - 15
Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania, reduced and evacuated after valiant American defense.

November 15
Articles of Confederation adopted by Continental Congress in York, Pennsylvania.

December 19
Continental Army enters the third winter encampment of the war at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.


The Tide Turns
European recognition, assistance, and military professionalism came to America in 1778. By February American diplomatic efforts and military achievements yielded an alliance with France. At the Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey, in June, the Americans claimed victory over their opponent. In November