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THE RIDDLE CLUB BOOKS By ALICE DALE HARDY Individual Colored Wrappers Attractively Illustrated. Every Volume Complete in Itself. Here is as ingenious a series of books for little folks as has ever appeared since " Alice in Wonderland." The idea of the Riddle books is a little group of children three girls and three boys decide to term a riddle club. Each book is full of the adventures and doings of these six youngsters. but as an added attraction each book is filled with a lot 01 the best riddles you ever heard. THE RIDDLE CLUB AT HOME An absorbing tale that all boys and girls will enjoy reading. How the members of the club fixed up a clubroom in the Larue barn, and how they, later on, helped solve a most mysterious happening, and how one of the members won a valuable prize, is told in a manner to please every young reader. THE RIDDLE CLUB IN CAMP The club members went into camp on the edge of a beautiful lake. Here they had rousing good times swimming, boating and around the campfire. They fell in with a mysterious old man known as The Hermit of Triangle Island. Nobody knew his real name or where he came from until the propounding of a riddle solved these perplexing questions. THE RIDDLE CLUB THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS This volume takes in a great number of winter sports, includ- ing skating and sledding and the building of a huge snowman. It also gives the particulars of how the club treasurer lost the dues entrusted to his care and what the melting of the great snowman revealed. THE RIDDLE CLUB AT SUNRISE BEACH This volume tells how the club journeyed to the seashore and how they not only kept up their riddles but likewise had good times on the sand and on the water. Once they got lost in a tog and are marooned on an island. Here they made a discovery that greatly pleased the folks at home. GROSSET & DUNLAP, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK