Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/443

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might have wrought," whose portrait may be viewed in one of the galleries at Versailles.

Passengers on the Clyde can transfer at Exploits to the Home without returning to Lewisporte. The eccentric sculptured cliffs of Leading Tickles appear beyond Fortune Harbour. Springdale, at the mouth of Hall's Bay, is the starting point for noted trout and salmon streams. The Home continues across Green Bay to Nipper's Harbour where weird-looking rocks rising out of the sea remind one of scenes about Brigus. This coast is so pregnant with minerals that in places the ore may be seen glittering beneath the water. The Tilt Cove Mines have produced in the fifty years of their operation nearly $20,000,000 worth of copper.

Tunny-fish, often six feet in length, enter this northern bay in great numbers. In the summer, Green, Trinity and Bonavista Bays are visited by fleets of fishing-boats in quest of the tentacled oddity known locally as squid. When a few inches long they make tempting cod bait. Grown to maturity they become devil-fish. They are caught by hanging unbaited hooks over the side of the boats and "jigging" them up and down. In this economical manner many barrels of bait are annually secured.

The Bowring steamer Prospero, St. John's-Battle Harbour, a comfortable craft of a thousand tons, calls in Bonavista, Notre Dame and White