Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/490

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Bishop Falls; pop., 340.

Bonavista; pop., 3911.

Bonne Bay; pop., 1130.

Brigus; pop., 1160; hotel, Cabot.

Burgeo; pop., 1040.

Burin; pop., 500.

Cape Race; pop., 27.

Carbonear; pop., 3450.

Catalina; pop., 1000.

Channel; pop., 880.

Curling, Bay of Islands; pop., 600; hotel, Fisher's; bank, Montreal.

Doyle's; hotel, Doyle's.

Exploits; pop., 90.

Ferryland; pop., 480.

Fogo; pop., 800.

Gambo; pop., 340; hotel, Gambo.

Grand Bank; pop., 1600.

Grand Falls; pop., 1640; two new hotels.

Grand Lake; sportsmen's hotel.

Harbour Breton; pop., 600.

Harbour Grace; pop., 4300; hotel, Gordon Lodge.

Heart's Content; pop., 100.

Holyrood; pop., 600; hotel, O'Rourke.

Kelligrews; hotel, Anchorage.

Lewisporte; pop., 500; hotels, Lewisporte, Somerset.

Port-aux-Basques; pop., 350.

Placentia; pop., 560; hotel, Phippard's.

Renews; pop., 580.

Rose Blanche; pop., 680.

Salmonier; pop., 460; hotel. Riverside.

    nounce themselves as such. The people of all classes are well-disposed toward strangers and willingly give assistance in finding accommodation. All things considered, terms throughout the colony are higher than in the Provinces. The rates at the sporting hotels on the railway are more reasonable in proportion to the service than at many less attractive houses. At Tompkins, Doyle's Stephenville Crossing, Spruce Brook and Grand Lake the minimum rates vary from $1.50 to $2.50 a day.