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thou Me?" Though Jesus Christ knew Peter's heart, yet He asked him three times whether he loved Him? to teach those to whom the power of ordaining belongs, to be very solicitous and careful, and not content themselves with a slight inquiry into the dispositions and qualifications of those who are to have the care of souls committed to them.

It being entirely at the Bishop's discretion, whether he will admit any one to the order of Priest or Deacon, and being not obliged to give any reason for his refusal, he will be more accountable to God, both for ordaining unfit persons, and for any prejudice against such as are worthy.

Ember Week.

All persons being concerned in the choice of pastors, every body ought to pray for good pastors.…

N.B.—To give every person I ordain some short hints, in writing, of the nature, dignity, several branches, hazard of not discharging them faithfully, &c. of the Ministry.

Matt. xxviii. 20. "Lo! I am with you." The chief care of a minister of Christ should be, not to render himself unworthy to have Christ present with him in the exercise of his Ministry.

John xvii. 16. "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." The repetition of this truth ought to make us sensible how different our life ought to be from that of worldly people.…

N.B.—Remember, that a Minister of Christ can save himself but only by labouring to save others.…

1 Tim. v. 22. "Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure." A Bishop engages to answer before God for such persons as he by advice, ordination, &c. causes to enter into a state of life so very hazardous, and which requires so great a stock of virtues. It is happy for a minister of God, that the life he is to lead, and the very outward acts he has vowed to perform, will help to change his heart, and create in him those dispositions which will make him like his great Master. For instance; he has