Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Plumptre 1878).djvu/436

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Olympos rules, Erinnys noting guilt,1390
And Justice the avenger punish them
For foul deeds foully, even as they wished
To cast this man to shame unmerited.
And thee, Ο son of aged Lartios,
Loth am I now to let thee take thy share
In burying him, lest I perchance should do
What he, the dead, approves not. [All the rest
Do thou do with me, and, if thou wilt bring
Some soldiers from the host, we shall not grieve.]
All else will I do, and for thee, know well,
Thou show'st thyself to us as great of soul.

Odys. I fain had joined, but if it please thee not1400
That we should share, I go, thy words accepting.

Teu. Enough: already the time
Is wearing swiftly away;
Haste ye, some to prepare
A deep hollowed pit for the grave,
And some a tall tripod set
Fit for our task, girt with fire,
Meet for washing the dead.
One band, let it fetch from the tent
His breast-plate, his greaves, and his sword:
And thou, Ο boy, in thy love,
With all the strength that thou hast,1410
Here, with thy hand on his side,
Thy father's, lift him with me;
For still the hot veins pour their stream,
The dark, thick blood of his strength.
But come ye, come, one and all,
Who boast of yourselves as his friends;
Hasten, come quick to the work,
Labouring for him who in all
Was good, and none better than he.